@article{411, keywords = {Absolute configuration, Chiroptical detector, HPLC, Ketamine enantiomers, Octant rule}, author = {András Gergely and Ferenc Zsila and P. Horváth and G. Szász}, title = {Determination of absolute configuration of ketamine enantiomers by HPLC- CD-UV technique}, abstract = {Recognizing that the stereochemical structure of NMDA receptor antagonist ketamine provides valuable data about the relationship between its conformation and absolute configuration by CD-UV analysis, a method for the identification of ketamine enantiomers is proposed which avoids the need for authentic samples of the enantiomers. The ketamine enantiomers were separated by HPLC using Chiralcel OJ stationary phase. The in situ registration of CD and UV spectra, together with the application of the octant rule for cyclohexanone derivatives, makes possible the direct assignment of the eluted ketamine enantiomers.}, year = {1999}, journal = {Chirality}, volume = {11}, pages = {741-744}, month = {1999}, url = {http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0032712726&partnerID=40&md5=46675a1428b2cdc05ebe1ae34dbe8259}, note = {Cited By :10Export Date: 25 February 2016}, }